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Ann Birman, pianist and teacher



Ann Birman in her Piano Studio, Northbrook IL
piano lesson with student in Merit School of Music

“Wherever I go, whatever I do, I will always remember my twelve years spent with Dr. Birman. For that, I not only thank Dr. Birman, but highly recommend Dr. Birman to any piano student, at any age at whatever level. She’s simply brilliant—a genius in her own field"... - Caroline. 

"I studied piano in Thailand for 13 years, from the age of 10. But life changes resulted in 30 years of near hiatus, before I finally returned to the instrument I love. I began taking piano lessons with Ann in 2007, and with every lesson my appreciation of her grew. Ann is not only a splendid musician but also one of the best and most devoted teachers I know"....-Charapin.

.."During our time together I performed in many recitals for her and competitions. Under her direction I won the Junior Concerto Competition at the Merit School of Music, performed in the top piano ensembles in Merit's tuition-free conservatory, performed with Kevin Hong on 98.7 WFMT on the same show as the famous pianist Lang Lang, and was coached in a master class by legendary Emmanuel Ax"...-Julian. 

"For Dr. Birman, teaching piano is not only teaching the technique alone; no piece is complete without understanding the poetry behind the piece. Dr. Birman’s focus on lyrical expression and emotion taught me how to perform, to bring out passion, fury, delicateness, and joy in all the pieces"... -David.

I am pleased  to recommend Ann Birman as an outstanding piano instructor.   I have witnessed her fine teaching for many years.  Her piano students have consistently demonstrated high levels of  technical accomplishment, musicality, refinement and a love of the piano.


Merit School of Music


"I learned to play beyond the correct notes and rhythms on the page--I was taught to play the actual emotions of the music and embody the spirit of the piece"...-Toni.

         N E W S & EVENTS

My students participated in the Sonata Festivals conducted by CAMTA and NSMTA:

  • Sonata-Sonatina Contest 2024 

    • Adrienne Zhu​ (gold)

    • Caleb Deng (gold)

    • Eric Zhang (gold)

    • Junxi Zhang (gold)

    • Sophia Lin (gold)

    • Savva Geranin (silver)

  • CAMTA Sonata Festival on January 29th, 2017

  • NSMTA Sonata Festival on February 12th, 2017

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